Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Of Course Every Blog Isnt Complete Without A Blog Post On Best Friends

   What do i have to say about them? My thoughts are so scattered about the subject. Best Friends are the essence of love. First there's all the cliches: They're there for you when youre broken, they know how to make you laugh, they know all your deepest darkest secrets, you feel like you can tell them everything, they're a shoulder to cry on, a relief when you most need it, you can call them at 4 in the morning and cry and sob to them, they stick up for you when someone talks crap, and they love you for who you are.
   However, most people don't voice some of the things not said about best friends. Best friends listen to you. Now, that may count as a chliche, but not when you think about it. There's a difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is when what someone says goes in your ears but youre so busy thinking about something else (what your going to say next or even something completely unrelated to the subject) that you dont give your full attention to them therefore you dont really care what they're saying. Now listening, is when youre percieveing what your friend is saying and you actually have something to say when they're done speaking thats not unrelated to the subject or about you. Best friends listen. they look you straight in the eye and listen to you. They give you advice thats completely unbiased.
   Another thing is that they help you remember who you are. You could be off to new, bigger, better places, and one thing that will always be the same is your friends. You can change. I know that seems like it could NEVER EVER happen, but trust me, it does! Lol. Your best friends will tell you who you used to be. Its up to you whether you choose to be that person again or not.
   Now when youre off to new, bigger, better places dont forget the people, the best friends, that shaped you. Your best friend doesnt have to be unrelated to you. You can also have more than one best friend. The point is that best friends give you love. Love is a natural part of nurturing. Something that shapes our development. The love you get from your best friend isnt something your mom could give you, not something your grandma could give you, your grandpa, your dad, or even your husband or boyfriend. God gives us this love for a purpose. Each best friend will help you through a specific something. What that something is? i have no idea. However, i hope what ive said gets you to thinking. My challenge to you? go tell your best friend you love them:)

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