Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ghosts of Christmas Only Come Out On Christmas

We went through the motions. Snow on Christmas Eve morning, Christmas Eve Service with my Grandparents at their church, coins from Papa, go to sleep late Christmas Eve night, woke up at 7:45 this Christmas Morning to open presents, but we didnt actually open any till 8 because it took fifteen minutes to actually wake everyone up, answered Bible questions to open each present, had crepes for breakfast, proceeded to play with our Christmas presents for about three or four hours afterwards, then finally, an addition to Christmas traditions, went to our dearest friends the Owens's house for dinner.
    Christmas Eve services at E-free are touching, mainly because its the first reference we get to the real meaning of Christmas. We light candles at the end of the service. The significance i see in this is that they re-use the candles every year so they're pretty beat down. This represents the world. Then we light the candle, and the fire represents Jesus Christ, God's Son, the light of the world. Something absolutely flawless. Now the fire is put on an old beat up (used to be new and fresh) candle. God sent something so pure, something He loved with all His heart, to shed light on an unworthy world. We dont deserve what He sent to us. This is the meaning of Christmas.
    We wake up so early. This is a tradition i try, but always fail to change, every year. However, i never not have an answer to the Bible questions I'm asked. I open my presents pretty quick. But the reason we do this is so that we can appreciate the presents more i guess. Its also very fun.
   The Owens's are one of God's many blessings to our family. The reason we hang around them so much is because their family is almost symmetric to ours. Heres my illustration:
Dad--Mr Owens
Mom--Ms Owens
Michael-- Lauren/Alex

We all have best friends in this family. We grew up together. Id like to pause for a moment and admire my best friend Megan Owens. This beautiful, stylish, spunky, poised, loyal young woman of God has been there for me since the beginning. We've seen eachother grow up, seen eachother through our ugly times, our wrong choices, and we love each other through them. Honestly, she's seen all my phases. She knows me better than i know myself. We're comfortable enough to just tell eachother when we're being stupid. i can be a kid again when im with her. We have entirely too much fun together. i love you Meg:)

This Christmas i got to know a boy, whom has taught me many things, and many more to come. I'm looking forward to the next few months with him, and im confident he'll be a part of my journey. This Christmas was simpler, but absolutely so much more complex and meaningful. this Christmas came more with hugs, kisses, kind words, and meaningful stares, more than wrapping paper, bows, and ribbons. Happy Birthday Jesus, in a Christmas soon to come, i hope we'll be with You celebrating Your birthday. To sing our traditional hymns in a new light, with a sweet angel harmony behind our melody. To dance in your presence, to play a song that would melt Your heart as You have melted mine.  

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