Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's The Little Things

   Sometimes you notice its the little things in life that you can get the most out of. Right now, i'd like you to take a look at your life. what are the highlights? ok, now erase those from your mind for just a minute, and try to remember the last time you took pride in the little things of life.
   I just spent two hours in a new place with some new people. Now, in about six months, that moment could become the start of a big highlight in my life, or a little thing. However, if this were any other night, i probably wouldve just shrugged that off and wouldnt have thought about how much this night could impact the next six months, and how it couldnt. But as i was sitting on the couch next to Sam Decker watching him play video games with his best friend, i thought "Now Anna, this is the first time you've met his family, met his friends, seen his house, everything. Is this the start of an adventure or a yellow brick road that just goes on and on and on?" then i looked around the circle of people...Akeem, Maggie, Ross, Hannah...then Sam. He has this look about him , you see. i have yet to figure it out though. (im one of those creepers who just has to figure everyone out, no matter who they are) Everyone has a word. I havent found his yet. Sensational? Exciting? Warm? Sweet? Gentle? Delightful? Fascinating? Original? Whimsical? ill let you know when i figure it out. And his word was all over his face at that moment. Conveniently enough, my reading skills had left me at that particular moment. His face was pink for some reason, but he was completely focused on his videogame and didnt notice me staring. Then i realized i was staring. Why? i have no idea. That's when it became a little thing.
   Little things could consist of many categories. Some examples would be: little stares i get from people who like me, a bypasser in a foreign state seeing a moment shared by a couple, a smiley face on someone's back window of their car, smelling the flowers, stopping to watch a sunset by yourself, a bypasser seeing a father give his daughter a kiss, a man on the corner of the road playing his guitar like no one's watching.
   So this little thing: catching myself stare at a green eyed boy, made me smile. I have no idea if i'll ever remember that moment. Either because there will be many more moments like that, or because it could get crowded by some other big highlight in my life. The little things in life are one thing God put on this earth to fill our never ending void of emptiness. It doesnt come by money, or a due paid, or pain. Its a feeling you cant replace. It may possibly be an aspect of love. on my Journey of discovering the meaning of Love? heres a footnote: What does love have to do with the little things? Love is every part of what God is teaching and giving you. Not just the lessons you learn in the highlights, but the comforting, sweet, wistful, whimsical.... 

little things.

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