Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Favorite Things

i dont think God could have blessed me with better people in my life. today was my sixteenth birthday. my mom woke up early and bought me donuts for breakfast. my little brothers all woke up to eat with 530am. my sister was out of the house by six, and bought me a dozen roses. she then got all my friends together, and gave them each a rose. i began walking my schedule in school, and every time i saw a friend, they had another rose for me. i love you Gabby. My castmate, Meagan Galluzzo, made my afternoon between rehearsal and school special by getting me a cookie cake:) i love you sweetie, and am so glad i met you. At rehearsal, everyone was in a fantastic mood. To the cast of Arsenic and Old Lace, youre amazing, and i think we'll have a great show. everyone really came through for me. i was afraid it would be another solemn, everybodyinabadmood day. but it wasnt! i went home and ate sushi and edemame with my family. then, it was off to Patt Holt for a rehearsal. This was absolutely wonderful as well! me and Maggie were sung to a couple times, and we had cupcakes and balloons! and i swear, it MUST have been my birthday, because none of my guyfriends shaved! and scruff is my FAVORITE. no matter who it's on. unless youre David. ;) to top it off, my family wrote me a song to the tune of "My Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music. if you ever want a reference of my weird habits, here you go. I love my family so much, and everything they do for me. all these people in my life make me who i am, and im blessed immensely. Only God could have hand picked each person i know.

For Anna 'Little Bit' Pirrie "A Few of her Favorite Things" (To the Sound of Music tune)
Raindrops on her nose and fingerless mittens
Bright Zumba clothes and pasta without chickens
Singing at church in her bare stocking feet
These are a few of her favorite things
dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da
Summers with ponies and spring time with musicals
Shakespeare and Disney and tofu with noodles
Tatoos on her toes with black sharpie pens
These are a few of her favorite things
Dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da
Borrowing our clothes and calling them Vintage
Playing her guitar while thinking of marriage
Texting at the speed of light while she sleeps
These are a few of her favorite things
dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da
When Joe's amps too loud...
When her chore's aren't done
When she's late for dance...
She simply walks into her room and she sings the MUSIC that makes her GLAD!
Mom, Dad, Josph, Gabby, Michaely, Montana, the turtles and the snake.(Oh and the mice that live under the oven...)

God is good, thats all i can say.

Love is heart-warming and unconditional.

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