Saturday, September 17, 2011

Falling in Love

(playlist track 9. More Like Falling In Love)

romance is the dream of at LEAST 90% of the world. everybody wants to be in love at some point in their life, and everyone wants to be loved. as humans we're lured to those who want to protect us, care about us, do sweet things for us, and be there for us always. but before we know they want to do that, a little roamnce is involved. like a sneak peek of what is to come. to be pursued is one of the most exciting things ive ever experienced. im sure you'd enjoy some of the stories. but today, i want to surface the One who pursued me in the sweetest way, and has my heart. He fights for it, no doubt. and i have to fight to continue to make it His every day. He left me little notes around my day, showing me He cared, He romanced me with dreams of where we were to live when i finally met Him. He sang to me precious lullibies of what He thought of me, and what He did for me. and of course, as with any romance, He had to do a bit of convincing. i was wary of committing to Him, because i didnt know what to expect. He went on and on about the plans He had for us. He showed me what it would be like, living a life by His side. we fought, wrestled over things we didnt agree on. He gave me advice when i was in difficult situations. i didnt listen to Him the first time, or the second time, or the third time. in fact, we STILL fight about these kinds of things. but He says the only reason He fights with me, and gets angry with me, is because He loves me. He says that if He didnt tell me the things He thought were wrong, id just continue to do them, and make trouble for myself. all in all, we have a pretty good relationship i suppose. it has its ups and downs, and He has to keep reminding me He loves me, and showing me He loves me, just to keep me close to Him. He wants to be with me all the time, and never gets tired of my going on and on and on about my theories and opinions. sometimes, i think He's the only One that cares. but its such a comfort to know He's there. and by golly, is He protective. He wants me all to Himself. He's convinced no one else is better for me than Him. i got this little ring though, to show Him and other people that i belonged to Him. and that i would stay true and pure for Him until i die.He's protected me from so much already, and we arent yet as close as we could be! He rushes to my side when im down, or hurt, or just plain upset for no reason at all. He's there with open arms, welcoming me into them, with sweet whsipers that everything will be ok. oh, and for my birthday, He gave me this big book. He wrote in it, every promise He's ever made me. just to make sure i know He's telling the truth. its got all these stories in it too, about what He's like and what He does. this Guy is like, the cutest thing ever. im falling more in love with every word He says to me, and every day i spend with Him. want to know a secret? i still get butterflies every time He talks to me too. childish i know, but i love Him.

Love is Romance.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sweet Pea

(playlist track 8. Sweet Pea)

you know you always have those people that you fight with, because you love each other too much NOT to fight, yes? well, i have a person like that. he's definitely not the first, but still. in reality, those people just care about you entirely too much, and you care about them entirely too much, but neither of you will do anything about it, so you just fight. in the end you just keep saying "i love you" and making up because you know you cant live without them. in a sea of two thousand people, you feel right at home because they're by your side. yeah, its going to get hard sometimes. and youre going to annoy the hell out of each other. but you need them, and you know you do. the reason you "keep on coming home" is because of the inaudible thought always hanging there of, "he/she cant leave me. cuz he/she knows it would NEVER work. we'd just miss each other too much." these people know everything about you. they know your weird habits, your faces of suggestion, when youre lying about not being ok, when you need a laugh or when you need a hug. thats the reason you keep coming back. because you love the familiarity, the comfort found in someone that knows the real you. we, as a human race, hate showing fault. its part of our sinful nature. these people in your life, they are the exception. theyre the people you arent afraid to break down around. you'll let them see your every fault. and that, in turn, promotes honesty. the honesty you have with each other is one of the big reasons you feel so close to them. its because you can tell each other anything (however cliche that may sound) and the comfort in that thought is trust. the root of all these is trust. Love is trust.

Sweet pea
Apple of my eye
Don't know when and I don't know why
You're the only reason I keep on coming home

Sweet pea
What's all this about
Don't get your way all you do is fuss and pout
You're the only reason I keep on coming home

I like the Rock of Gibraltar
I always seem to falter
And the words just get in the way
Oh I know I'm gonna crumble
I'm trying to stay humble
But I never think before I say

Sweet pea
Keeper of my soul
I know sometimes I'm out of control
You're the only reason I keep on coming
You're the only reason I keep on coming yeah
You're the only reason I keep on coming home

Love is sweet.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Favorite Things

i dont think God could have blessed me with better people in my life. today was my sixteenth birthday. my mom woke up early and bought me donuts for breakfast. my little brothers all woke up to eat with 530am. my sister was out of the house by six, and bought me a dozen roses. she then got all my friends together, and gave them each a rose. i began walking my schedule in school, and every time i saw a friend, they had another rose for me. i love you Gabby. My castmate, Meagan Galluzzo, made my afternoon between rehearsal and school special by getting me a cookie cake:) i love you sweetie, and am so glad i met you. At rehearsal, everyone was in a fantastic mood. To the cast of Arsenic and Old Lace, youre amazing, and i think we'll have a great show. everyone really came through for me. i was afraid it would be another solemn, everybodyinabadmood day. but it wasnt! i went home and ate sushi and edemame with my family. then, it was off to Patt Holt for a rehearsal. This was absolutely wonderful as well! me and Maggie were sung to a couple times, and we had cupcakes and balloons! and i swear, it MUST have been my birthday, because none of my guyfriends shaved! and scruff is my FAVORITE. no matter who it's on. unless youre David. ;) to top it off, my family wrote me a song to the tune of "My Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music. if you ever want a reference of my weird habits, here you go. I love my family so much, and everything they do for me. all these people in my life make me who i am, and im blessed immensely. Only God could have hand picked each person i know.

For Anna 'Little Bit' Pirrie "A Few of her Favorite Things" (To the Sound of Music tune)
Raindrops on her nose and fingerless mittens
Bright Zumba clothes and pasta without chickens
Singing at church in her bare stocking feet
These are a few of her favorite things
dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da
Summers with ponies and spring time with musicals
Shakespeare and Disney and tofu with noodles
Tatoos on her toes with black sharpie pens
These are a few of her favorite things
Dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da
Borrowing our clothes and calling them Vintage
Playing her guitar while thinking of marriage
Texting at the speed of light while she sleeps
These are a few of her favorite things
dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da
When Joe's amps too loud...
When her chore's aren't done
When she's late for dance...
She simply walks into her room and she sings the MUSIC that makes her GLAD!
Mom, Dad, Josph, Gabby, Michaely, Montana, the turtles and the snake.(Oh and the mice that live under the oven...)

God is good, thats all i can say.

Love is heart-warming and unconditional.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Once Upon A Time

(playlist track: 7. Almost Lover)
   Once upon a time, there was a far off land called Broken Heart. Im here to tell you how this kingdom got its name.
     She was the Bell of the ball when Prince Charming danced with her that night. But wait, after a while, the Bell got a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She left prince charming, not thinking that the sick feeling could be fixed. The Prince was heartbroken, and missed her. He was bitter and hostile, the result of a hurting heart. She saw him like this, day by day. She had given him her glass slipper. The Bell believed he was worth a piece of her. And from the moment she left him, she regretted it everyday after. Her heart began to swell as she realized what she had given up. The Bell spent days crying and hurting. The Prince continued to be bitter. She pleaded with him to take her back because she realized her mistake. He wouldn't take her. She tumbled into distress. 

   Little did she know, this is where her story really began. One day, as she was strolling along, she got a letter from a Stranger that had been watching her. He saw the way the Prince treated her, for he had known the Prince his whole life, and was familiar with his ways. He nursed her back to health, and cared for her in her time of need. And in return, she fell in love with him herself. They spent every waking hour together. He helped her find her life again. Long days of laughter, and nights of gentle caressing that filled her dreams and patched her heart. Though other suitors came to her doorstep daily, she only had room in her heart for her darling Stranger. The Bell long awaited the day her Stranger would ask for her hand. She hinted and hinted, she thought he was worth the wait and work. Many promises did the Stranger make, but none did the Bell come to see true. She became frustrated and heartbroken, as he began to treat her in an ill manor. She pursued and chased him, but it seemed as though she was not enough. There were times when he would prove true, and hold her in his arms as if he would never let her go. He would kiss her as if each kiss would be their last. And right when she thought he would ask her that faithful question and commit to stay with her forever, he would ignore the opportunity. At the end of that summer, the last dance occurred. She was once again the Bell of the ball, and made it two times so, giving her Stranger one last chance. He ignored her at the ball, and examined other beauties. This, she could not fathom. In a swirling defeat she stumbled to a hall alone. There she sat, wondering what it was that made her unworthy. The Bell knew this would happen. She realized that all along she knew he wasnt there to stay. Her court told her, "this is why they call him the Stranger." he refused to be more to anyone.
The Bell looked up, and saw the Prince walk in the door. All summer, she thought, she had worked to be immune to his charm and grace. She realized that all she really did was numb the pain. and the medicine she had once had so sweet, had left. Now she was left with not one, but two broken hearts. But, as the Prince walked by, she saw, tucked in his belt, was her glass slipper she had left him long ago.... 

Many people want to believe this is a tall tale, but it happened. Im here to tell you it did. The story of Bell, who lived in Broken Heart.