Tuesday, December 23, 2014

To The Blessings

Some hearts look to the stars to feel blessed. Some hearts go in search of mountains and grand landscapes to find peace. Some hearts open their eyes to the spirits that fill the air with sound and light to see God's magnificent work in their lives. But then there are some hearts that look to the gentle sweetness of a child's laughter to feel joy. There are some hearts that strive to see beauty in tears and strength in weakness. Where is your heart? Where do you feel completely, utterly, and profoundly blessed?
Take the time to notice that today.
The Lord places such specific passions and blessings in each of our lives, and I believe He means the journey to finding these to be just as important as the passions and blessings themselves. His love for us is so great that He took the time to intricately design each of our hearts In a way that would uniquely teach us the fullness of His joy. Then, He also loved us so much that He would teach us what it means to find peace in storms--to find rainbows in the clouds. The Lord is showing me just how blessed I am. I can't help but look around me and rest in the love that The Lord has so generously poured over my life. He's teaching me what it means to love and be loved, to teach and be taught, to have joy and spread joy, and to bless and be blessed.
So to those of you in my life who have been messengers of that overwhelming love, and messengers of those beautiful blessings, thank you. Thank you for the pat on the head, the cup of tea, the smile and the giggles, and the sweet song on a scary day.
My moments of joy are eternally yours. May there be many more to come.

Love is being at peace with where the Lord is in your life at each moment--recognizing it as perfect and special, each in its own way. 

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