Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Mature Person?

“A mature person is one who does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably with the circumstances of life, knowing that in this world no one is all-knowing and therefore all of us need both love and charity.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

I think Eleanor did a wonderful job of explaining this. I'm on a family trip, and ive been particularly drawn to observing my little brother, michael. He is about twelve as of now, and he thinks hes so old and mature. He tells everyone's business and talks as if no one could ever prove him wrong. he means well, but sometimes it comes off completely wrong. I sat and thought to myself, when will he grow out of this and grow up? And then y thought pattern progressed to, well, am i really able to judge who is grown and who is not? and what judges maturity? am i mature? i believe that there are many different definitions of maturity--most depending on the individual or the situation. but when i saw this quote that Eleanor said, it made me think long and hard. maybe this isnt the official definition, but it is definitely a concept something that those coming-of-age should be thinking about. 

Thinking objectively in the midst of powerful emotion or biased passion can be difficult for even those over 21 and considered legal adults. some "adults" never really grow up...but thats a different topic. objective thinking despite emotion is something all of us should learn to be aware of in ourselves. its very easy for people, human nature, to make a decision based on how they are feeling at that moment. We must learn to look ahead, asking ourselves, "if i do this now, what will it make tomorrow look like?" one might be surprised at the difference even that, simply, can make. but of course, it is easier said than done. 

The second part of that sentence, talking about good and bad and humility, is particularly convicting to me. How often, and how "trendy"it is to judge those we do not know. Or even those we do know and still wish to continue judging. there are many many of those "trendy" characteristics about humanity that people of the world do not wish to confront (gossip, lies, judgement, things that people do and think "oh, its okay."). anyways, looking at someone and their outward appearance or even things youve heard of them, and being able to say, i know there is good in there somewhere, so i should treat them as such" requires a great amount of humility and self control. but WHAT a beautiful world we could create if more people thought that way. so much racism would go away--so many mental illnesses like eating disorders would be done away with--the most unlikely of friends would be made--bullying would decrease drastically. Think of it. we could change the world by a simple change of thought, could we not?

im all for equality, really i am. and i know there are some world-issues in which equality cannot belong because it would upset the political world, but i have thoughts of so much. if we, people, in our own minds, can humble ourselves and change the way we think. if we change the way we think, we change the way we act towards others and how we act in the presence of others. those simple acts for and among people will trigger thoughts in their minds which may inspire them to follow suit. then the process keeps multiplying. Now, it is unrealistic to think that every person will be affected by these acts, but we must have the hope that at least one in ten people will NOTICE. however, also, remember we should not be naiive or timid. "For the Lord did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:7) some people may decide to take advantage of those of us that act humbly and think the best of people. but we must not recede or lose hope. we must believe that what we're doing does not only change others and the moods of others around us, but it will change us as well. it will uplift us and empower us. 

So this, to Eleanor, is maturity. to put ourselves aside for others. to make decisions void of selfish emotion. to humble ourselves and see the good in everyone. There is something beautiful about looking for the good in everything. it makes me, personally, very peaceful. but again, different story. do i agree that this is all there is to maturity? certainly not. there is much that goes into a fully developed human being. all we can do is look each and every day for a way to better ourselves into a more defined individual. who you are in this world is up to you, of course. but you only get one you. you only get one interaction in each minute of the day. that exact minute, hour, day, month, and year, will never ever happen again. and you got to claim it. so how will you choose to claim it? make the best of each moment. and strive to be the only you and the best you. live the legacy of you that they will talk about for years over. no one wants perfection, and the mistakes you make make you who you are. so dont be afraid to get out there and try. define maturity. 

Love is what comes after loving who you are.
Love deserves to be spread. 

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