Sunday, March 18, 2012

Something That Went Through My Head Freshmen Year

This was something i wrote in my big eco-friendly journal freshmen year... i thought it was interesting.


there are a few kinds of people in the world. Some are mathematical, some are psychological, and some, are musical. One thing you can tell about truly passionate music people, is the way speak. can one be truly passinate about music and not have music in their voice? absolutely. However, there are some of those spiritually gifted people that God has chosen to give a speaking voice of music to. Maddison Sportsman and Joshua Eldridge are the first people i have ever noticed who have music actually in their speaking voices. I am replaying their voices in my head, and they truly speak GOD's creation of music. I thought, besides that, what sets them apart from my other musical friends? What are they doing that makes them so different? They know God. They truly want God's will for their lives. They want to take music, and show people that God had always intended it for good. They show the true beauty and wonder of God's creation of music. I imagine Josh and Maddie speak like Jesus does. We are made to run after the image of Christ Himself, yes? they are doing that! and, without their knowledge, He is making Himself known in their everyday voices! Jesus' voice, i picture, is the sweetest, purest, most harmonic sound in the existence of the world. For Maddie and Josh to be blessed with just a fraction of that is truly inspiring. Jesus' voice itself is something i look forward to hearing when i get to heaven... It gives me hope. I pray, in time, I will learn to sing praises as they do, but in my own way.

Love is musical.

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