Friday, October 14, 2011

An Opening Night Brings Much Philosophy

The drama is not dead but liveth, and contains the germs of better things.
WILLIAM ARCHER, About the Theatre

The theatre is a magical place. im realizing more and more that, yes, the rehearsals are the bonding experiences, but, when the lights go up and seats are filled, it seems as though some kind of "magic" truly does happen. The rehearsal acting is never really what the finishing product will be. Something always gets added or amped up. but by a significant amount! other thespians have tried to figure out what exactly happens during this time. Some say its the energy of the audience bouncing back to the stage, some say its the nerves, some say its the thrill of just being onstage, and wanting to give people the best show you can. nobody really knows what happens. but here is my philosophy:

God sat and thought of how He would create the world, then He breathed life into it. Art is just another example of how we were made in His image. He put in us a desire to create. So for thespians, we may not be talented in the ways of actually creating something tangible, but we create something in the people watching us. We mold a story by our performance. So, when we rehearse, its the "planning " period. But then, when its time to create, when the curtain goes up, we breathe life into what we previously planned. Not only does the thrill of the stage reveal the creation, but it reveals to us things about ourselves that we couldnt see before. when we're forming our character, we might discover a similarity between ourselves and our character, and would bring further realization about ourselves. it might give us an example of a relationship we could see working, or just bring people closer together in general.

"I dont know, they're just... a different kinda people."

People say this about thespians. i call them theatre people, but the previous term is legitimate i suppose. Anyways, i just wanted to take a moment to recognize them. Last night we had our opening night of Arsenic and Old Lace. I had some trouble with this cast at first... i wasn't getting along with the leads, and there was tension between my opposite and i. i didn't think we would ever come together and be a family (one of the sole reasons i love theatre so much). but as the weeks progressed, we grew closer. problems started clearing themselves up, laughs were made, as was love. By opening night, we were truly a family. but we didn't realize it until the lights came up. i fell in love. the claps and laughs from the crowd...the laughs backstage... the jokes, the jumps, the slight looks of nervous excitement between people... everything was perfect. tonight is our second night, and we're coming back with a bang. each person "brings something to the show" in their own individual way. (as my thespian president stated). God puts people together like this for a specific reason. whether i know it or not, these people are changing me, and will have a long lasting effect on my life.

Love is family

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, OH MY!

(playist: track 7)

ive been getting into jazz/swing music lately. its the romance i like. Jazzy fourties songs like, "ill be seeing you" and "the way you look tonight" just make me think a little bit, and dream even more. they layer and layer their lyrics with sweet lines to their lovers. why dont people do that today? i have no idea. i feel like most music now just talks about sex and womens' bodies. its degrading i suppose i find alot of comfort in Billie Holiday's "ill be seeing you" because its not focused on one thing. the possibilites are endless, because of the different ways she says the things she wants to say. another thing i like about this music is that these people have so much to say. they have so much to tell their lovers, to tell the world, and all they do is delight in it. its never nasty, its never inappropriately visual, its just poetic genius. these songs give me something to think about. they give me hope that the things they talk about really exist. people really do love eachother to the end of their days, and the end of the earth. i think about some of the people in my life, and wish they'd love me like that. im actually one of those weird people who tags songs to people in my life... some of the songs ive tagged to people recently are driving me crazy. but they put me in this daze thats addicting. i just get dizzy, walking around school with my headphones in, thinking, dreaming, getting lost in the sax and piano solos... the smooth vocals sing me to sleep when my insomnia gets the best of me. if pure romance could be poured into music, this is where you'll find it.

Love is jazzy, and snazzy, and everything in between.