Saturday, November 6, 2010

Started it!

Hi, my name is Anna. Or thats what im going to tell you it is... Muahahaha.

I started my freshmen year off bumpy. My dad lost his job. i came from a teeny tiny Christian Middle school (40 kids in the whole middleschool, 10 people in my grad class. all girls) and came to a school with 3,000 kids. 600-somethin in my freshmen class. Hard transition much?
It was kinda hard i guess. i went from having a 4.0 to a 3.8 so im working on that. and my best friend kind of deserted me....she went off with the popular people, but of course i survived cuz everyone back at the middle school predicted we'd go separate ways. Her to the volleyball/sports people, me to the theatre/music/out there people. And that prediction quickly became reality. We went our separate ways.

Now what did i do to get so involved and find my place? well the truth is ive only half found it. Ive been in theatre for about 9 years you see. Breaking my back for something that wouldnt patch me up in the end. kinda like my past relationships...but thats another story. im talking about my theatre career. At the beginning of highschool i told myself i was going to change. No more theatergeek. Fate had other plans. I saw the tryout sheet for The Diary of Anne Frank. I said to myself "Oh what the heck...ill just sign up and not go. To clear my concience." HA. That didnt work. Little did i know i was getting myself into a big adventure. I went to the audition thinking, "Let's just have some fun with it. I know im not going to get in, so why not do it just for an adrenaline rush." Thats half of what i do theatre for. The feelings. The adrenaline of the lights shining on my face...the depressed hopelessness i get afterward...and how close the cast gets to eachother. i get to have another family besides my own. I auditioned and it was fun! after 9 years of auditions, this was the FIRST i had fun with. So i left feeling epowered...but not knowing what the next day would bring...and i thought i was done with it. HA. I got a callback... so now the thoughts were "It's only a callback...oh come on." The callbacks were so fun! Then i looked at the cast list that night, just see how everyone else faired. "Margot Frank- Anna Pirrie" ...............WHAT THE HECK. So thats how i got dragged into one of the best things that will happen to me in highschool. Entering a PLAY as a FRESHMEN. it was the best experience. Me and the cast got so close. there was only ten of us. They welcomed me like i was part of the made me feel like i could belong. THEN after the play, i tried out for ByeBye Birdie cuz the play cast was like TRY OUT! so i did. Not expecting a big part (once again) cuz im a freshmen, and 200 people tried out for the musical...i got the LEAD. Rosie Alverez here i come.

That's not the end of my stories im sure. But that catches you up. So this is where i am now. I invite you to follow me on my long journey thoughout highschool. ill tell you about God and how he's bringing me through it. Also about my music career, and my theatre career. ill also let you in on some of my couple observances. aaand if your lucky, the experiences:) as of now, im single. Everything will pan out accodring to God's wonderful plan.

That's all for now. Love, Anna:)

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