Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Love is One

There's a snippit in time... Fate changes it's path after its creation and tries its subject.
Why doth fate move so inefficient and slow as to capture
Its crossed lovers in decision.
The sun weeps for the stars and their path
To unwary nights to unwary days.
Human nature hates fate's betrayal and does its best to bend
Even where reality speaks falsely to this claim.
Come sky, let come night
And wind and weather too wise for wise's name
So that I may speak to thee in private and discover thy course
And end my painful travel.
Speak to me as I were a cloud to break into many pieces
In a moment not knowing to where I am bound
So not to be lost in the nave sky.
Oh hideous fate! Why doth the day shine in resplendent glory today,
Die in rain in the fort night?
Know you the trial in this inconsistency.
I pray thee,
Why do you show me such beatitude and splendor today
With promises of commitment in this day,
And the fortnight even more glories of wondrous passion equally so
That I may be swept with confusion and unrest in this troubled day so.
This foul lie,
This rival inconsistency
Is that of life lived full and wise one might oppose.
Fate's way of showing fate's beautiful creation is test and measurement.
If light affects light and darkness darkness
And in the same darkness light,
Would not disloyalty affect disloyalty and disloyalty faith?
In that way love stops here.
Love grows here.
Love finds here.
Shall I be one to oppose such a test of courage?
Love, this great seeker of our hearts and our recompense must be deserved and trusted.
It must be sure,
Defying all odds and measures,
Knowing no bottom and affecting no lie and no fallacy.
The great cause is this:
Love shall know its own boundary and be one.
For two nor three cannot equal love.

Love is one.