Friday, December 28, 2012

An Apology Long Awaited

Being a good friend is not easy. And hard to find. I wish I was a better friend so much of the time...because I have been blessed with some of the most reliable, forgiving, loyal friends in the world. I'm just so busy so much of the time... And I numb myself to the world and the love around me. It's selfish. I'd like to take this time to apologize to all of the people who have been so pursuant of me in these times...I'm sorry I haven't returned the favor. I pray that I will be able and brave enough to do so in the future. You all have given me one of the greatest gifts a grim could ask for: love. Real love. Unconditional, forgiving love.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Destination: Beautiful

Then there's the moment when you realize he will always be there. A part of you. And a part of him will always be yours. No matter who he says he loves. And you will be a part of him and love him, no matter who you say you love. Because he has a part of you you can't get back. No matter how hard you try.

You have no choice but to,

Let This Be Your Sun.