Saturday, August 4, 2012

40 Years: A Victory

Family is why I come back to theatre every time, without fail. The Patt Holt Singers are a prime example of the amazing experience. This year, Patt Holt is celebrating 40years. The group began with a class of fifth graders taught by Patricia Holt. A group of nuns asked them to sing a couple songs for a recital, and, luckily, Patt knew a thing or two about music. When the fifth graders finally reached eight grade and were about to graduate to high school, they gathered in the living room of Patricia Holt and said they wanted to keep singing. Patricia said yes of course, but what will we call it? The Patt Holt Singers, they said with a grin. And so it began. It's the love of one woman, the love of singing and dancing, the love of family, that kept it going. The group got so big, they eventually had to split the group in three: Just Kids, Connection, and Singers. Since then, generations have been in and out of PHS, but one woman has been there through it all and watched them all grow and learn. Patt Holt. This woman is truly remarkable. We call her 'Fearless' because a family this big has to have a fearless leader! I'm so lucky to have been a part of this group. When my faith in theatre dwindled, PHS reminded me that there's always family, you just have to look for it, and be willing to see it. I had five costume changes at the reunion show last night. Five! I could have been stressed and angry and pulling my hair out right to left. But I didn't. Because my family was right there with me. Before a performance, for the old pros, the nerves may not be there. The excitement may not be there. In fact, many said, "I think I'm done after this. I can't do it anymore." but I know for a fact that hearts were changed. When the lights go up, we share the adrenaline, we renew the feelings we had from our first moment on the stage, and instantly, we know that's where we belong. I've learned so much from this family... They taught me to dance with my heart instead of my head. They taught me to feel the freedom of enjoying what I'm doing on the stage because I know that even if I mess up, there will be someone right behind me to back me up. They taught me that even through tears and trials, and difficult personalities, and trying times, there is a reason for everything. There's a reason you're going through this right now. But that reason may not show itself until you least expect it. I hope The Patt Holt Singers live on like it does in the hearts of so many... Their story alone is a triumph. I believe it will have many triumphs to come. It still has much to teach me, and I pray that I am open to learning. But for now, I just want to say that 10 years is a great thing, 20 years is impressive, 30 years is a success, and 40 years, a victory.

Love is made perfect in the heart that presses on.