Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Beginnings

Musical has come to an end. The past four months have been a journey. Ive learned of myself, learned about those by my side. People have come into my life, left my life, and some have made their way back in. Looking back at the person i was at auditions, i see a timid singer with a quiet song with no words. My song that im singing of highschool is gently forming. After being handed a lead role in ByeBye Birdie (rosie alvarez) ive become comfortable with my own voice, comfortable at school, and comfortable in my own skin. Im realizing things now that i didnt before. im piecing puzzles together that will form my opinions and morals for the future. i learned to trust. Trust in God, trust in myself, trust in my cast and crew members, trust in my friends. Only in times of trouble will faith reveal itself. We did the show for four nights, and on the second night was when my faith was tested. What is faith without trials? the first night went pretty badly. I was devistated. I had no confidence in anything anymore... Little did i know, God was planning on lifting me up out of my darkness because of my humility. How can God lift up a prideful man in good time? Whats the point? thats what i didnt realize. God humbled me, and friday was the best performance. God has big plans for my learning during highschool and as Freshmen year is coming to a close, and i am a changed girl already. I cant wait to see what He has in store for me soon. Praise God.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Favorite Holiday

You know, here are a few things i think are really great. Not in any particular order, but just as they come to my head.

1. The tickling scent of Love in a breeze
2. Heart Shaped Candies that say "Be Mine" on them
3. All television shows themed with aspects of teenage love
4. Teenage love! because its absolutely silly and wonderful at the same time
5. Silly boys who like to hug you aaaalll the time and dont want to let go. (coughcough)
6. Pink Lights in Windows of My Neighborhood
7. BillBoards with Red Paper and Heart Shapes
8. Carnations with To and From tags on them going on sale at school
9. The one day a year when you know ANYTHING could happen
10. The one day a year that you wont get in trouble for showing you care about someone

Can you tell whats getting close?